How Hiring A Private Investigator Can Help During Child Custody Issues
Child custody cases can become heated situations for estranged parents. The emotions on all sides can run high, causing lengthy court battles that can have devastating effects on everyone involved. Many of these situations can involve allegations from both sides that are directed towards each other in an attempt to gain the upper hand. Private investigators can help bring evidence needed in these cases that can ultimately prove beneficial in expediting the matter.
Determining The Child’s Welfare
Private Investigators are trained to perform a number of investigative functions that focus on gathering the information necessary to prove their client’s claims. When hired for the purposes of a child custody investigation, a Private Investigator will examine the child’s treatment and well-being in an objective manner, presenting information that can be used to determine child placement.
Fact Finding Through Surveillance
The investigation can include a variety of methods and practices that are used to gather important information as factual based evidence that can be used to present a client's case in court. Surveillance is typically used to gain a better understanding of what a parent or caregiver is doing or is not doing that may negatively impact their ability to raise a child.
Private Investigators can document any instances of neglect or abuse detected through surveillance by taking pictures or making visual or audio recordings of the parent interacting with the child. Some instances that can be recorded and used in the case are matters relating to criminal activity, reckless driving, drug or alcohol abuse, and other risky behaviours that could negatively impact a child.
Interviewing Community
Some of the other ways that Private Investigators can aid in child custody disputes can also greatly impact final judgements. By interviewing witnesses who have knowledge of a child’s life such as teachers, counselors, and neighbors often offer information that can help devise a more complete understanding of a child’s situation.
Financial Reporting
Delving into the financial transactions of a parent who’s attempting to shield assets from the court is also a role of a Private Investigator. In this manner, evidence of this nature can be found and presented as proof of financial standings and dealings that have a potential effect on the court’s decisions involving child support.
Support When Needed Most
Child custody disputes are highly emotional situations that can have the potential to cause damage to all who are involved. By adding the expertise of a Private Investigator to your team, you can ensure that you have the evidence necessary to bring your case to a quick and desirable resolution. Contact East Coast Investigations Inc. for information on how a Private Investigator can help you with child custody issues today.